Bolivar Flats

Coastal Birding 

Bolivar Flats produces the most consistent phenomenal birding in the area with impressive concentrations of species resting and nesting year-round. A “Globally Important Bird Area” according to the Shorebird Reserve Network, the habitat is a combination of salt marsh, mudflats, and beach. Weather plays a big role in diversity, but on average, the number of birds at this location is a spectacle to see. It’s also where you catch the ferry to Galveston, a quick 20-minute ride away.

Thousands of American Avocets winter at this location along with 30 other species of shorebirds such as Red Knot, Snowy, Wilson’s, Piping Plovers, Long-billed Curlew, and Marbled Godwits. Least Terns are common breeders and usually start arriving in late March or early April. This is also a great location to see Reddish Egrets (year-round), Magnificent Frigatebirds (summer), and one of the most consistent places to spot Franklin’s Gulls during migration. 

•    Major Birding Sites: Rollover Pass, Bolivar Peninsula, Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary, and Bolivar-Galveston Ferry

Birding Resources