Freddie Willard, TDM

Freddie Willard

Executive Director
(409) 880-3165  1(800) 392-4401
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Freddie is the Executive Director for the Beaumont Convention and Visitors Bureau. She oversees and provides the direction for all Beaumont CVB projects and promotions. Works in conjunction with the City Manager and CVB Advisory Board to ensure the purpose and mission of the Beaumont CVB is fulfilled. 

About Freddie:

Freddie has 32 years of experience in the meetings and tourism industry and attended Lamar University. She is currently a board member of the Jefferson County Tourism Council. She earned her Texas Destination Marketer (TDM) accreditation in 2016. Freddie is also a 2004 graduate of Leadership Beaumont and a 2011 graduate of Leadership Southeast Texas. When not traveling or working in town, she volunteers and enjoys spending quality time with her family. Freddie loves anything to do with the outdoors, especially in Beaumont!