Beaumont Give Back Program
Thank you for choosing Beaumont as your meeting destination. Each meeting has a purpose whether it’s for education, to kickoff a project or to make decisions for an organization. We have found, most convention attendees would like to further that purpose, and are interested in leaving a positive mark on the communities in which their meetings are held. We want to provide activities that can engage and inspire attendees. Let us introduce you to our Give Back Program.
The Beaumont Give Back Program creates community outreach opportunities for meeting & convention clients. The program introduces the association to the community, and the community to the association – where everyone gains a greater sense of belonging and involvement. We would like to invite you to partner with the Beaumont Convention & Visitors Bureau to build a bridge to connect your attendees to our community. Check out this short video of how you can get involved!
Planning excursions for your attendees? Set aside one of the excursions to give the attendees the opportunity to volunteer in the community. We know that giving back is so helpful and will give you a chance to meet our partners and friends. Provide a helping hand at the local food bank for an hour or help feed animals at the Humane Society of Southeast Texas.
Gifting Supplies
Plan ahead! We will connect you to a local organization prior to your meeting in Beaumont. Perhaps it’s a toy drive or collecting items for the local Women and Children shelter that’s of interest to your group. Encourage your delegates to bring posted items of need. The Beaumont CVB will provide collection bins and the opportunity for pickup or delivery of items.
We realize your schedules may be jammed packed with meetings and other planned activities that you want to experience while you are in Beaumont. If you do not have the time to volunteer out in the community, then giving monetarily is always an option. Whether doing so discreetly or through a presentation, we are here to assist.
A Few Options to Consider
Some Other Place
Some Other Place was founded in 1968 by the local religious community to meet the unfulfilled emergency needs of the poor and "hurting" residents of the Beaumont community. When an individual reaches that place where they had no where else to turn, they were told they had to go to "some other place" to seek help. Thus, Some Other Place was founded.
Southeast Texas Food Bank
The Southeast Texas Food Bank is leading the fight against hunger in Southeast Texas. You may be surprised to know that about 12,000 households receive food each month from member agencies of the Southeast Texas Food Bank.
Garth House
A child advocacy center, Garth House's mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect and lessen the trauma to child victims during the investigative, prosecutorial, and healing process.
Family Services of Southeast Texas and Women and Children's Shelter
The mission of the Family Services of Southeast Texas and Women and Children's Shelter is to empower families, individuals, and communities through accessible counseling services, shelter services, education, and advocacy.
Beaumont Animal Care Center and Humane Society of Southeast Texas
Both Beaumont Animal Care Center and Humane Society of Southeast Texas provide care for animals and opportunities to adopt, foster, or surrender.
Nutrition and Services for Seniors
The heart of Nutrition and Services for Seniors lies in the home delivered meals program (or Meals on Wheels). Since 1983, this service alone has provided over 5 million hot noon meals to hungry seniors and home bound disabled adults in Jefferson and Hardin Counties.
Contact Freddie for More Information

Freddie Willard, TDM Executive Director
Freddie oversees and provides the direction for all Beaumont CVB projects and promotions. She works in conjunction with the City Manager and the CVB Advisory Board to ensure the purpose and mission of the Beaumont CVB is fulfilled.
Meeting Planner Tool Kit
Need help planning your meeting? The Meeting Planner Toolkit is here to get you started on planning your next meeting in Beaumont.
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Meeting Planner Guide
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