Purple Martin

Beaumont Birdie Passport


Birthdate: March 22
Currently Resides: Beaumont Children’s Museum 

Graceful and acrobatic while feeding in flight, 
Snapping up to catch insects at an incredible height.
Dark purple and iridescent, he shines bright among the swallows,
Neches loves to play no matter what flock, if there’s fun he’s sure to follow.


Purple Martin

The purple martin is the largest North American swallow. These aerial acrobats have speed and agility in flight, and when approaching their housing, will dive from the sky at great speeds with their wings tucked. In eastern North America during the summer, look for Purple Martins around martin houses, the miniature condominiums that many people put up in yards. The birds are more challenging to find in the West, where they nest in woodpecker holes in dead snags. Foraging Purple Martins hunt insects higher in the air than other swallows, but in the afternoon and evening they may feed low and close to nest sites. In late summer you might see enormous roosts of Purple Martins, particularly in the Southeast as they prepare to cross the Gulf of Mexico.


children museum

Children's Museum

The Beaumont Children’s Museum believes in learning through playing. Our exhibits are carefully selected to promote a S.T.E.A.M. focused learning base (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). We strive to promote a fun and interactive environment where children thrive and get excited about learning. Igniting the growth of children, families, and communities through interactive learning. ​Our vision is to encourage and inspire children to think for themselves, confidently ask questions, question answers, and understand the world around them. ​​

Monday  - Saturday 10AM - 4PM
Sunday Sunday: Closed  (Parties & Events Only)children's museum