The Best Birding in Southeast Texas

If you're an avid birder, or simply a beginner looking to get started, you've come to the right place! Beaumont, Texas is located near the Gulf of Mexico, known for its globally unique ecosystem with a diversity of habitats, fish and wildlife. Gulf habitats are essential to the annual cycles of many species of breeding, wintering and migrating waterfowl, wading birds, shorebirds and songbirds. In addition, Beaumont is bordered by the Pineywoods of East Texas where over 350 species of birds are spotted annually.

Birds Of Beaumont

All year round, Beaumont, TX, becomes a vibrant haven for migrating birds. Species like the Painted Bunting, Roseate Spoonbill, and various warblers flock to Beaumont's lush wetlands and parks. Popular spots like Cattail Marsh Scenic Wetlands and Tyrrell Park offer birdwatchers a chance to observe these magnificent birds in their natural habitat.

Ramada in a sunset. Picture is in the shape of Texas

Discounts & Deals Worth Looking Into!

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  • Explore Beaumont’s expansive Tyrrell Park at a discounted rate
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  • 3 min read

Whether a serious or casual bird-watcher or nature photographer, an experienced or new outdoor…